An artificial intelligence-powered platform for rapid, intuitive, and effective mathematics learning.
Primary school - middle school - high school
Fun math exercises and problems
Research and 200 publications
National and international awards/distinctions
Guaranteed rapid progress in mathematics with less effort and frustration
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Un diagnostic rapide, précis, dynamique et factuel qui identifie les lacunes cumulées au fil des années à un niveau granulaire.
Une remédiation rapide de toutes les lacunes identifiées afin d’aider les élèves à maitriser les nouveaux acquis grâce à un feedback personnalisé.
Un accès complet à des activités d’autovaluation et d’apprentissage par chapitre et par capacité couvrant tous le programme de l’année.
Des rapports instantanés vous donnent des informations précises et pertinentes sur le progrés de votre enfant.
I am delighted to announce that my daughter J.'s grade has improved from 9/20 to 17/20, thanks to Mathscan. Thank you to the team for all their efforts. Mother of J., 2nd year of middle school
Mother of J.A 2nd year of middle school
Instant monitoring of students’ progress (individually or by class), detailed real-time reporting for differentiated student support
Automation of assessment in all its forms: Diagnosis of prerequisites, assessment of acquired knowledge, supervised assignments.
A free ebook for parents and children who want to learn a few tips.
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